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If You Read One Article About Lead Nurturing Read this One

Written by Charles McKay | 30 Jun 2015


Welcome back readers to part 7 of our series which covers lead generation from the ground up, today we’ll be focusing on lead nurturing and the importance of this for overall cost reduction in your lead generation business.

 To grow and develop a successful lead generation platform lead nurturing should be an integral part of all successful marketing strategies; this applies especially when building relationships with potential clients across multiple media platforms.

  • Timing
  • Add value and the sales will follow
  • Additional platforms

Step 1: Timing

This question comes up time and time again; What is the perfect time to start lead nurturing?  You first need to take a look at some of the basics of your selling process, how much time is involved in the entire process? 

As a general rule of thumb, the longer your sales process, should equate to increased wait times before sending out the next marketing material, the same rule applies to shorter sales funnels, the shorter the process, the sooner you should be marketing to the potential client. Most marketers will agree that a minimum wait time of about 7 days is a good marker; this means that you will not run the risk of emailing someone twice in one week as well as giving them the opportunity to digest this new information. 


Step 2: Add value and the sales will follow

If you add value that a potential client find useful, then the leads will follow from here, sure there are other marketing layers involved, but the core of your product and service should be about adding as much value to your client as possible without increasing your own overheads. Adding value will show you’re a true market leader and will ultimately increase your leads based on referrals from your current database.

Step 3: Additional platforms

There are multiple online platforms that you can positions yourself and your product in to market yourself as an industry leader. Industry seminars are a fantastic way of networking and increasing your contact base, this can be coupled with meeting other online ‘influencers’ who will be able to market your brand or product further for you.

Offer your potential clients useful insider information that would not be found anywhere else, something special that they feel offers value to their current business. Leveraging social media contacts within your business and the contacts of your current database is a sure fire way to increase your leads, at the same time, don’t forget you’re in the nurturing process here, so you should be offer as much value to your current base set of clients as possible.

We hope you have enjoyed part 7 in our series of lead marketing. As always we love to help with SAAS lead nurturing, should you have any questions at all, and then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the Synx team who will be more than happy to help.


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