More Data. Less Assumption

The Impact of AI on Marketing

A person’s capacity for data is finite, and their ability to understand it is informed by assumptions built up over years of industry experience. So in many ways, AI is our antithesis.

Able to process vast amounts of data — both historic and current — from multiple sources, without bias, and in the blink of an eye, AI accurately forecasts the most effective way to deliver content. This includes targeting the correct users, what to set the price at, as well as where to offer services and which customers may end up churning.

The huge influx of new marketing technology and tools can be attributed to AI and the industry’s need to scale in order to reduce costs and accommodate skills shortages. To give you an idea of the growth — there were just 350 platforms in 2013 compared to the nearly 7000 today. And with more information to process and measure, channels and tactics are having to quickly become data driven.

To summarise, every marketing tactic, channel, or media has some piece of optimisable technology attached to it, driving the demand for professionals who are skilled in data analytics, reporting, tracking, and configuration and measurements. Therefore, the ‘new cool’ is embodied by tech-savvy marketers, which was previously the province of the traditional agency creative.

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