Success Stories

Work-life integration? Just live

What makes us Happy Thinks that get our creating thinking happening We love an adventure


At Synx we love people who challenge the status quo to achieve extraordinary things. Our values are focused on living – we guess you can all this work-life integration. Below are some of our favourite videos which stimulate our creative minds, enabling us to create innovate solutions for our clients. Take a couple of minutes to watch amazing people challenge themselves and consider how you can next challenge the status quo through innovation.

  • What makes us Happy
  • Thinks that get our creating thinking happening 
  • We love an adventure 


Hackschooling Makes Me Happy | Logan Lapnte

Amazing how a 13-year-old knows what he wants in life. What do you not have that would make you happy? 


One of Those Days 2 | Candide

Can you have the business run on a powder day? 


Ken Block Cymkhana Seven: Wild in the Streets of LA

This guy does what he wants in life (and sure knows what makes himself happy).  



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