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Wise-Sync goes inbound with Synx

Synx Takes Wise-Sync inbound and is taking on the ConnectWise accounting integration World

Wise-Sync was developed because of the lack of integration from an application that specialises in service called “ConnectWise” into “Xero” cloud accounting. The IT services company “Virage IT” had the problem of duplication and manual data entry of their accounts. So it was decided they would build Wise-Sync. Since that has happened they have doubled the size of the business turnover and halved the admin costs.

Below is a quick overview of the product from Managing Director Paul MacNeill and also a quick snip of our CEO Charles McKay. Some of the problems Wise-Sync solve are also listed. 

  • ConnectWise to Cloud accounting Xero and Quick Books Online 
  • Single Record Batch
  • Multi Owner Level support to a single Xero organization
  • US and Complex Tax Code Support
  • Multi Currency Support
  • Payment Wise
  • Rounding

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Road Block 

Synx being a beta tester and now a happy customer really loves the use of Wise-Sync. It’s saved our admin team thousands of dollars in time and also missed billing hours since the deployment. Synx is now giving the love back to Wise-Sync and providing inbound services for Wise-Sync. 

Connectwise has over 8,500 partners that includes 110,000 users in 11 countries that Wise-Sync is now actively chasing. As Australia and New Zealand have been early adopters of cloud accounting, it's now starting to get some real traction in the US and UK. In 2014 Synx and Wise-Sync went off to IT Nations in Orlando Florida. With over 2500 potentical Wise-Sync customers it was very exciting. As like a lot of new applications, a long sales cycle was going to happen for Wise-Sync, they found it hard to stay in contact with their new leads, and have now gone cold. Having thousands of contacts and only closing a number of clients something had to change. Synx and Wise-Sync went to the drawing board.

Since Wise-Sync has engaged with Synx and has deployed Inbound Technology and methodology Wise-Sync sign up's have gone viral. The operations team is having sleepless nights but as they always do are staying on top of things and providing amazing service. 

Have a look at some of the amazing stats from Wise-Sync. In May 2015 they processed 46,000 records to Xero, 2.3m invoices sent through Wise-Sync, and now has an impressive 203 customers up from 43 same time last year

If you would like more information check out for a demo and see how you can become a Wise Ninja. 


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